السبت، سبتمبر ٣٠، ٢٠٠٦
الأربعاء، سبتمبر ٢٧، ٢٠٠٦
الثلاثاء، سبتمبر ٢٦، ٢٠٠٦
رجاء لشباب من أجل التغيير
قبل كل شئ أنا فعلا مندهشة من اللي بيحصل في شباب من أجل التغيير (اللي أنا المفروض منهم) من خناقات و قلة أدب. و فعلا مش هتكلم في تفاصيل إلا إني لاحظت أن كل أما حد ييجي يشتم حد يقوله "بلاش شغل النسوان ده" و ده حصل من أكتر من طرف و باعتباري من
و أنتم مش عايزيين "شغل نسوان" يبقى أمشي بقى و تمشي كل النسوان الأخريات و تبقى مجموعة "جدعان من أجل التغيير" أو من أجل الشتيمة و الردح . مبدئيا أنا محبطة جدا من الحالة اللي وصلنلها و مقتنعة أنها من الفراغ !فكفاية بقة قوي كدة و تعالوا نطلع الغل ده في الشغل مش فبعضنا.
و أقترح صنع مجموعة بريدية أخرى للأعلانات المظاهرات و الأجتماعات و الأخبارو البيانات و تترك المجموعة دي للنقاشات, عشان اللي مش عايز يسمع نقاشات يشيل نفسه\نفسها من المجموعة و بجد يا جماعة الموضوع ده هينظم الدنيا شوية.
الاثنين، سبتمبر ٢٥، ٢٠٠٦
السبت، سبتمبر ٢٣، ٢٠٠٦
أرى سلمى بلا ذنب جفتني *** وكانت أمسٍ من بعضي ومني
كأني ما لثمت لها شفاهاً *** كأني ما وصلت ولم تصلني
كأني لم أداعبها لعوبا *** ولم تهفو إلي وتستزدني
كأن الليل لم يرضى ويروي*** أحاديث الهوى عنها وعني
أهه أهه سليمة ***
من عبدتك بعد ربي **** سواء في (القنوت) وفي التمني
سليمة سليمة أأأههههه سليمة***
غدا لما أموت وانتِ بعدي **** تطوفين قبور على تأني
قفي بجوار قبري
*** ثم قولي أيا من كنت منك وكنت مني
خدعتك في الحياة ولم أبالي*** وخنتك في الغرام ولم تخني
كذا طبع الملاح فلا ذمام
فطرن على الخداع فلا تلمنى
الأربعاء، سبتمبر ٢٠، ٢٠٠٦
طاطي راسك-أحمد فؤاد نجم
طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي .. انت بتنعم بالحرية .. بس بشرط تكون مطاطي
لما تكون شغال بذمة .. خايف على مصلحة الأمة .. شغلك يطلع من غير لازمة .. علشان مبيعلاش غير واطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما حاميها يكون حراميها .. وبلاده ورا ضهره راميها .. طالع نازل واكل فيها .. مسنود بالبدلة الظباطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما شقاك يصبح مش ليك .. فقرك سد السكة عليك تتلفّت تلقى حواليك .. إما حرامي و إما عقاطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لماتلاقي بلاد الدنيا .. فيها البني آدم حاجة تانية .. وانت في الطبقات الدنيا .. قرد مسلسل أو وطواطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما الجهلة يبقوا أمامك .. أو فوقك ماسكين ف زمامك .. ويسوقك ع الهلكة إمامك .. تشرب م السم السقراطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما الكلمة تكون بتدينك .. لما تخبي ف قلبك دينك .. لما الذل أشوفه ف عينك .. هات إحباطك على إحباطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي انت ف وطن ديمقراطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما تكون شغال بذمة .. خايف على مصلحة الأمة .. شغلك يطلع من غير لازمة .. علشان مبيعلاش غير واطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما حاميها يكون حراميها .. وبلاده ورا ضهره راميها .. طالع نازل واكل فيها .. مسنود بالبدلة الظباطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما شقاك يصبح مش ليك .. فقرك سد السكة عليك تتلفّت تلقى حواليك .. إما حرامي و إما عقاطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لماتلاقي بلاد الدنيا .. فيها البني آدم حاجة تانية .. وانت في الطبقات الدنيا .. قرد مسلسل أو وطواطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما الجهلة يبقوا أمامك .. أو فوقك ماسكين ف زمامك .. ويسوقك ع الهلكة إمامك .. تشرب م السم السقراطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
لما الكلمة تكون بتدينك .. لما تخبي ف قلبك دينك .. لما الذل أشوفه ف عينك .. هات إحباطك على إحباطي طاطي راسك طاطي طاطي انت ف وطن ديمقراطي .. انت ف وطن ديمقراطي
الثلاثاء، سبتمبر ١٩، ٢٠٠٦
لا بدي تراضيني ولا بدي تحاكيني
أصحى من النوم كل يوم أطمطع التماطييع
بعد اللي حصل إمبارح أنا عندي إحساس بالتناحة الشديدة. المظاهرة كانت أكتر من فاشلة و كان قلتها أحسن , أنا أصلا مفهمتش إزاي حصل كدة! الحمدلله كنا نيجي (70 أو 100 بالكتيير أوي) و الأمن مغرق الميدان و يفيض و وقفنا (سواء مضطريم أو بسبب غباءنا) في أكتر مكان مش متشاف من اللى ماشيين في الشارع لدرجة أن اللي كانوا بيبقوا جايين على المظاهرة كانوا بيلفوا الميدان يدوروا عليها فيين . أصل زمان الأمن كان بيبقى موصح أحنا فين بس إمبارح الأمن كان نكردن كل الجناين و المساحات التي تصلح للمظاهرات في ميدان التحرير.فكان المتظاهر المتجه للمظاهرة بيروح يسأل "قوللي و حياتك يا حضرة الظابط هم عندك في الكردون ده يقولوا لأ شوف في اللي بعده!" و طبعا كان منظرنا عاار حتي اللي جوة المظاهرة مكانوش بيهتفوا من سدة النفس و حاجة مقرفة
و مش عارفة كان ايه لزمتنا! هل من الممكن تنظيم حاجة قوية بسرعة في خلال أيام المؤتمر نعمل فيها اللي المفروض يتعمل و هو أننا نكلم الناس اللي في الشارع و الخ؟ لأ مش ممكن؟ طيب
www.gamal-mubarak.com شوفوا ده
حاجة ولد دجاج جدا*ً
ولد دجاج : البيض باالهجة الجزائرية
الاثنين، سبتمبر ١٨، ٢٠٠٦
يا للهول
الشغل بتاعنا مطلع رحلة لمكتبة أسكندرية عشان في شغل لازم يتم هناك,المهم واحد من زمايلي في الشغل جه حالا يبلغ أنه مش هيقدر يطلع عشان عنده شغل في الحزب! الحزب؟؟حزب ايه؟طبعا طلع الواطي . الشئ اللطيف غير أن الولد شكله طيب و مش متوحش يعني"شكله من اللى بيطلعوا في الأعلانات بتاعت الجيل الجديد و الأغاني و كده أتفووووووووه" أن الناس كلها اللي فى الشغل بصتله بأندهاش و قالوله "معقول أنت وطني"؟؟؟ "يا خساره" أنا قلت في بالي يا بت يا سلمى أهو في حاجه هتتناقري فيها في الشغل ,قلت هستلموا بقى و أطلع عينوا,مع أن عينوا طلعة من أصلوا و بيقول "السلام عليكوا" كل تلات دقايق
صباح الخير= السلام عليكوا
صباح النور= و عليكم السلام
باي باي= السلام عليكوا
تصبح علي خير = و عليكو السلاام
و إس إس ......هاهاها
Fuck You
"so Fuck you and you untouchable face
oh Fuck you,,for existing in the first place"
Wow,,it must have felt great when Ani Difranco http://www.righteousbabe.com/ani/ thought about these words specially if u listen to the way she sings , so much energy,,the energy of hatred and disappointment which is developed,in my opinion, from the energy of love?!
Yesterday at the bus on my way home,one colleague asked if she can sit next to me and of course I said yes have chatted with her a couple of times in the caf and I found her wired :S .When I saw her that day she looked very fresh and happy,,very happy,,like flying and she was talking all the time,,saying things I didn't get very well,,I was busy watching her face,,really she seemed the happiest person on earth and I later found out she took her first salary, but this is not it,,couple of moments left and she started to talks bout what she will do with this money,,how she will give some to her mom,,(why?) oh her parents are separated,,,her father left them!No divorce(why?) Christians!uha,,father traveled,,mother stuck in the country not married and not divorced for the rest of her life with three children all the butterflies turned to tears,,the poor girl was crying after 10 years she is still crying,,with me,,a complete stranger,,about her father who abandoned her,her mother,her brother and her sisters.
Today in the morning I passed by my university and yesterday by my school,,it's really corny but I miss school days already!
oh Fuck you,,for existing in the first place"
Wow,,it must have felt great when Ani Difranco http://www.righteousbabe.com/ani/ thought about these words specially if u listen to the way she sings , so much energy,,the energy of hatred and disappointment which is developed,in my opinion, from the energy of love?!

Today in the morning I passed by my university and yesterday by my school,,it's really corny but I miss school days already!
السبت، سبتمبر ١٦، ٢٠٠٦
الأربعاء، سبتمبر ١٣، ٢٠٠٦
The Show Must Go On!
امبارح كان أول يوم عرض للمسرحية,برغم من كل المشاكل التقنية اللى حصلت الا أنه العرض عجب الناس و كانت النتيجة معقولة,,,مش مرضية بالنسبة لي بدرجة كافية (و أعتقد لجميع أعضاء الفرقة ) و لكن أملنا أن النهردة الدنيا تبقى أحسن
أداء الجميع كان جيد جدا و كالعادة ابدع صدقي و كوكي
زي كل يوم في البروفات أتأثرت جدا بأغنية الأنسان و الأنسانة , "بقالي من أول مولدتني الحياة بخرج من النفس أطنان " !
اااه بس أنا يعني بقى عندي شك كده في الأفكار دي "المطلقة" أن الحب جميل ,طب ليه نخابيه ترلملمامام
و فعلا أتبسط أنهم كانوا بيشجعونا بحب كدة و تحمس supportive الناس كانت لطيفة جدا و
الأنتقادات كانت معظمها على الصوت و ده لأن مهندس الصوت الحمار فصل الميكات أو وطاهم على الأخر فالنتيجة أن صوت المزيكا كان أعلى من صوتنا و الدنيا باظت
في ناس رأيها أن الفيديو كان لازم يقصر شوية و ناس أنتقدت أن الفكرة مكررة
و في ناس حست أن المضمون كئيب بزيادة و مش وقته
على سيرة الأنسان و التساؤلات و الفلسفة و كل الحجات المهمة دي
شفت الفيلم العبقري ده
الثلاثاء، سبتمبر ١٢، ٢٠٠٦
A Moment of Silence: by Emmanuel Ortiz. 9/11/02
Before I start this poem, I'd like to ask you to join me
In a moment of silence
In honour of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon last September 11th. I would also like to ask you
To offer up a moment of silence
For all of those who have been harassed, imprisoned, disappeared,tortured, raped, or killed in retaliation for those strikes, For the victims in both Afghanistan and the US And if I could just add one more thing,If it's not too much to ask . . .
A full day of silence
For the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have died at the hands of US-backed Israeli forces over decades of occupation.
Six months of silence for the million and-a-half Iraqi people, mostly children, who have died of malnourishment or starvation as a result of an 11-year US embargo against the country.
Before I begin this poem,
Two months of silence for the Blacks under Apartheid in South Africa, Where homeland security made them aliens in their own country. Nine months of silence for the dead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Where death rained down and peeled back every layer of concrete, steel, earth and skin And the survivors went on as if alive.
A year of silence for the millions of dead in Vietnam - a people, not a war - for those who know a thing or two about the scent of burning fuel, their relatives' bones buried in it, their babies born of it.
A year of silence for the dead in Cambodia and Laos, victims of a secret war .... ssssshhhhh.... Say nothing ... we don't want them to learn that they are dead.
Two months of silence for the decades of dead in Colombia, Whose names, like the corpses they once represented, have piled up and slipped off our tongues.
Before I begin this poem.
An hour of silence for El Salvador ...
An afternoon of silence for Nicaragua ...
Two days of silence for the Guatemaltecos ...
None of whom ever knew a moment of peace in their living years.
45 seconds of silence
for the 45 dead at Acteal,
Chiapas 25 years of silence for the hundred million Africans who found their graves far deeper in the ocean than any building could poke into the sky.
There will be no DNA testing or dental records to identify their remains.
And for those who were strung and swung from the heights of sycamore trees in the south, the north, the east, and the west...
100 years of silence...
For the hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples from this half of right here,
Whose land and lives were stolen,
In postcard-perfect plots like Pine Ridge,
Wounded Knee,
Sand Creek,
Fallen Timbers,
or the Trail of Tears.
Names now reduced to innocuous magnetic poetry on the refrigerator of our consciousness ...
So you want a moment of silence?
And we are all left speechless
Our tongues snatched from our mouths
Our eyes stapled shut
A moment of silence
And the poets have all been laid to rest
The drums disintegrating into dust.
Before I begin this poem,
You want a moment of silence
You mourn now as if the world will never be the same
And the rest of us hope to hell it won't be.
Not like it always has been.
Because this is not a 9/11 poem.
This is a 9/10 poem,
It is a 9/9 poem,
A 9/8 poem,
A 9/7 poem
This is a 1492 poem.
This is a poem about what causes poems like this to be written.
And if this is a 9/11 poem, then:
This is a September 11th poem for Chile, 1971. This is a September 12th poem for Steven Biko in South Africa, 1977. This is a September 13th poem for the brothers at Attica Prison, New York, 1971. This is a September 14th poem for Somalia, 1992.This is a poem for every date that falls to the ground in ashes
This is a poem for the 110 stories that were never told
The 110 stories that history chose not to write in textbooks
The 110 stories that CNN, BBC, The New York Times, and Newsweek ignored.
This is a poem for interrupting this program.
And still you want a moment of silence for your dead?
We could give you lifetimes of empty:
The unmarked graves
The lost languages
The uprooted trees and histories
The dead stares on the faces of nameless children
Before I start this poem
we could be silent forever
Or just long enough to hunger,
For the dust to bury us
And you would still ask us
For more of our silence.
If you want a moment of silence
Then stop the oil pumps
Turn off the engines and the televisions
Sink the cruise ships
Crash the stock markets
Unplug the marquee lights,
Delete the instant messages,
Derail the trains, the light rail transit.
If you want a moment of silence,
put a brick through the window of Taco Bell,
And pay the workers for wages lost.
Tear down the liquor stores,
The townhouses,
the White Houses,
the jailhouses,
the Penthouses and the Playboys.
If you want a moment of silence,
Then take it
On Super Bowl Sunday,
The Fourth of July
During Dayton's 13 hour sale
Or the next time your white guilt fills the room where my beautiful
people have gathered .
You want a moment of silence
Then take it NOW,
Before this poem begins.
Here, in the echo of my voice,
In the pause between goosesteps of the second hand,
In the space between bodies in embrace,
Here is your silence.
Take it.
But take it all...
Don't cut in line.
Let your silence begin at the beginning of crime.
But we,
Tonight we will keep right on singing...
For our dead.
EMMANUEL ORTIZ, 11 Sep 2002 boricano@hotmail.com*poem printed in "The Roots of Terror," a publication of Project South.
In a moment of silence
In honour of those who died in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon last September 11th. I would also like to ask you
To offer up a moment of silence
For all of those who have been harassed, imprisoned, disappeared,tortured, raped, or killed in retaliation for those strikes, For the victims in both Afghanistan and the US And if I could just add one more thing,If it's not too much to ask . . .
A full day of silence
For the tens of thousands of Palestinians who have died at the hands of US-backed Israeli forces over decades of occupation.
Six months of silence for the million and-a-half Iraqi people, mostly children, who have died of malnourishment or starvation as a result of an 11-year US embargo against the country.
Before I begin this poem,
Two months of silence for the Blacks under Apartheid in South Africa, Where homeland security made them aliens in their own country. Nine months of silence for the dead in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Where death rained down and peeled back every layer of concrete, steel, earth and skin And the survivors went on as if alive.
A year of silence for the millions of dead in Vietnam - a people, not a war - for those who know a thing or two about the scent of burning fuel, their relatives' bones buried in it, their babies born of it.
A year of silence for the dead in Cambodia and Laos, victims of a secret war .... ssssshhhhh.... Say nothing ... we don't want them to learn that they are dead.
Two months of silence for the decades of dead in Colombia, Whose names, like the corpses they once represented, have piled up and slipped off our tongues.
Before I begin this poem.
An hour of silence for El Salvador ...
An afternoon of silence for Nicaragua ...
Two days of silence for the Guatemaltecos ...
None of whom ever knew a moment of peace in their living years.
45 seconds of silence
for the 45 dead at Acteal,
Chiapas 25 years of silence for the hundred million Africans who found their graves far deeper in the ocean than any building could poke into the sky.
There will be no DNA testing or dental records to identify their remains.
And for those who were strung and swung from the heights of sycamore trees in the south, the north, the east, and the west...
100 years of silence...
For the hundreds of millions of indigenous peoples from this half of right here,
Whose land and lives were stolen,
In postcard-perfect plots like Pine Ridge,
Wounded Knee,
Sand Creek,
Fallen Timbers,
or the Trail of Tears.
Names now reduced to innocuous magnetic poetry on the refrigerator of our consciousness ...
So you want a moment of silence?
And we are all left speechless
Our tongues snatched from our mouths
Our eyes stapled shut
A moment of silence
And the poets have all been laid to rest
The drums disintegrating into dust.
Before I begin this poem,
You want a moment of silence
You mourn now as if the world will never be the same
And the rest of us hope to hell it won't be.
Not like it always has been.
Because this is not a 9/11 poem.
This is a 9/10 poem,
It is a 9/9 poem,
A 9/8 poem,
A 9/7 poem
This is a 1492 poem.
This is a poem about what causes poems like this to be written.
And if this is a 9/11 poem, then:
This is a September 11th poem for Chile, 1971. This is a September 12th poem for Steven Biko in South Africa, 1977. This is a September 13th poem for the brothers at Attica Prison, New York, 1971. This is a September 14th poem for Somalia, 1992.This is a poem for every date that falls to the ground in ashes
This is a poem for the 110 stories that were never told
The 110 stories that history chose not to write in textbooks
The 110 stories that CNN, BBC, The New York Times, and Newsweek ignored.
This is a poem for interrupting this program.
And still you want a moment of silence for your dead?
We could give you lifetimes of empty:
The unmarked graves
The lost languages
The uprooted trees and histories
The dead stares on the faces of nameless children
Before I start this poem
we could be silent forever
Or just long enough to hunger,
For the dust to bury us
And you would still ask us
For more of our silence.
If you want a moment of silence
Then stop the oil pumps
Turn off the engines and the televisions
Sink the cruise ships
Crash the stock markets
Unplug the marquee lights,
Delete the instant messages,
Derail the trains, the light rail transit.
If you want a moment of silence,
put a brick through the window of Taco Bell,
And pay the workers for wages lost.
Tear down the liquor stores,
The townhouses,
the White Houses,
the jailhouses,
the Penthouses and the Playboys.
If you want a moment of silence,
Then take it
On Super Bowl Sunday,
The Fourth of July
During Dayton's 13 hour sale
Or the next time your white guilt fills the room where my beautiful
people have gathered .
You want a moment of silence
Then take it NOW,
Before this poem begins.
Here, in the echo of my voice,
In the pause between goosesteps of the second hand,
In the space between bodies in embrace,
Here is your silence.
Take it.
But take it all...
Don't cut in line.
Let your silence begin at the beginning of crime.
But we,
Tonight we will keep right on singing...
For our dead.
EMMANUEL ORTIZ, 11 Sep 2002 boricano@hotmail.com*poem printed in "The Roots of Terror," a publication of Project South.
الاثنين، سبتمبر ١١، ٢٠٠٦
Cheat on me but don't tell me why
@ WORK,,,listening to الصابون يقتل ,,really stressed out, the performance is tomorrow,,very excited though.i keep thinking i will forget the lines and the movement coz i will be swiming in the melodies of "Tamer Abu Ghazalah" .
i am suffering,,,i keep feeling pain in my head,i save thousands of small details of things i see everyday but aren't we all?the thing is i feel أننا مخي دفتر and everything comes out at night,in the dreams.Dreams that feels like a fast forwarded film of my days,,focusing on certain words,colors,close ups of a hair in a friend's nose or a gesture that i felt was very ackward.
i really miss taking the underground,,khalas got used to cabs and cars ,i will probably turn into a pillow,,not exactly a pillow but a (shalta),,,,so my next thing to do after the show is over is going home by the underground.
This is my 5th day at my new job,,getting used to the atmosphere and the people
This guy whose disk is 2 meters away from mine is flirting all the time,,,and i have a feeling he is retarded,,how deperate,the first man to be intrested is either retarded or very stupid
Beside that everybody is friendly with me ,,treating me like a kid,i am probably the youngest in the whole place.Every morning i get into the bus and fail to close the heavy door for three times till someone comes for help and i hear some whispering things like "Still new" and "she looks very young" and other cute things that makes me feel like a marshmellow and I HATE THIS
but just give me couple of weeks. . .
i am suffering,,,i keep feeling pain in my head,i save thousands of small details of things i see everyday but aren't we all?the thing is i feel أننا مخي دفتر and everything comes out at night,in the dreams.Dreams that feels like a fast forwarded film of my days,,focusing on certain words,colors,close ups of a hair in a friend's nose or a gesture that i felt was very ackward.
i really miss taking the underground,,khalas got used to cabs and cars ,i will probably turn into a pillow,,not exactly a pillow but a (shalta),,,,so my next thing to do after the show is over is going home by the underground.
This is my 5th day at my new job,,getting used to the atmosphere and the people
This guy whose disk is 2 meters away from mine is flirting all the time,,,and i have a feeling he is retarded,,how deperate,the first man to be intrested is either retarded or very stupid
Beside that everybody is friendly with me ,,treating me like a kid,i am probably the youngest in the whole place.Every morning i get into the bus and fail to close the heavy door for three times till someone comes for help and i hear some whispering things like "Still new" and "she looks very young" and other cute things that makes me feel like a marshmellow and I HATE THIS
but just give me couple of weeks. . .
لازم فرحان مبسوط من زحمة الستات عليك
الأحد، سبتمبر ١٠، ٢٠٠٦
السبت، سبتمبر ٠٩، ٢٠٠٦
Dead Or Alive?,,,,Back!

Pablo Neruda alwayes finds the right words :
I love you without knowing how,
or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way
` than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.
After spending two months traveling,seeing,meeting,leaving and singing i thought it's time to write something.i don't know what i was thinking all that time; to not write here and read what you write exactly feels like breaking up with a lover....
But i am here now,
With all the new things in my life,,everything is still the same,only that my head is full of desperate ideas in the beginning of a phase supposidely full of hope.
Indiffrence is the perfect alternative to love.It keeps me alive.

