الثلاثاء، يونيو ٢٠، ٢٠٠٦
.بالرغم من حزني على الناس اللى رحلوا عن دنيانا الفترة اللى فاتت بالرغم عدم معرفتي الشخصية العميقة بيهم و لكن لأتأثر أهلى و حزنهمالشديد الرغم من أحساسي أن الناس بتموت ورة بعضها كدة من القهر و الأحباط الا أن خبر الأفراج بتاع علاء خلى الدنيا تنور تاني مش بس ليا بس كمان لأهلى اللى كانوا أمبارح مش بيرفعوا راسهم من الأرض!!علاء صديق الطفولة و الليدر بتاعى لسنين طويلة و طبعا أخويا و أخوا أعز صاحبة قلبى عرفها,من أكتر الناس اللى أثروا فى حياتى و فى المزيكة اللى بسمعها حتى فى خلال السنين الى كنا بعاد فيها بعن بعض.
بجد فرحانة أوى مبروك لكل الناس
اّخر أمتحان همتحنوا في كلية الاداب قسم اللغة الأنجليزية هيبقى بعد بكرة و بعدها أنا كمان هاخود افراااااج يا رب علاء يبقى طلع و أروح أشوفه
Alaa got releasedالأفراج عن علاء
أفرجت نيابة أمن الدولة بمصر الجديدة عن علاء سيف
the state security prosecutor has relased Alaa Seif
الاثنين، يونيو ١٩، ٢٠٠٦
أجزاء من خطاب دروبي لمدير شركة وورلي بارسونز كوميكس
لقد عملت موظفا بشركة وورلى بارسونز كوميكس منذ شهر يناير لهذا العام كخبير بيئي في المواقع و هذا بمكتب الشركة بالقاهرة.في يوم 24 أبريل تم أعتقالى بواسطة مباحث أمن الدولة و سُجنت لمدة 33 يوما بدون مثولي أمام قاضي أو أثبات أي تهم علي.كنت قد شاركت في اعتصام سلمي أمام نادى القضاء الواقع في وسط القاهرة مطالبا باستقلال القضاء عن السلطة التنفيذية.نظمت هذا الاعتصام حركة مصرية للحقوق المدنية تسمى حركة كفاية. تشن حركة كفاية حمالتها من أجل الديمقراطية و بشكل خاص على قضايا الفساد, حرية التعبير, التعذيب و الانتخابات الحرة.
خلال فترة اعتقالي تلقيت إخطارين (كلاهما شفهي) من مكتب وورلي بارسونز كوميكس بالقاهرة: سلم الأول عن طريق المحامى الخاص بي و ينص على أن وظيفتي ستكون في انتظاري إذا أطلق سراحي قبل نهاية شهر مايو.
الأخطار الثاني فاجأني, و قد أتي من أستاذ محمد عبد الجواد مدير مكتب القاهرة و تسلمته عبر المحامى و والدي, فقد طلبت منهم الشركة أن أستقيل حتى لا يضطرون للفصل فهو عير محبذ لسجلي.كانت الاستقالة في انتظار توقيعي.
بعد يومين من أطلاق سراحي رجعت للمكتب( يوم 29 مايو). لقد تم أخباري أنى قد تغيبت عن العمل لمدة شهر, هذا بالرغم من أن المحامي قد أرسل وثائق رسمية تشرح موقف أعتقالى إلى المكتب, وقيل لي أيضا أن نشاطي السياسي غير مقدر من قبل المكتب.
و بعد يومين من زيارتي للمكتب تسلمت ظرف يحتوي على أربع تحذيرات بسبب تغيبي بالإضافة إلى إيقاف تمهيدي عن العمل.ذهبت مرة أخرى إلى المكتب تلبية لطلب أستاذ محمد عبد الجواد و طلبت مستحقاتي المالية و هي راتبي الخاص بشهر أبريل بالإضافة إلى أيام العمل بالخارج الخاصة بنفس الشهر.و قوبل طلبي بالرفض من أستاذ عبد الجواد وطلب من العاملين أن يرشدوني في حين أجمع متعلقاتي الشخصية .
لقد كنت أفكر في أن أتخذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة ضد الشركة. فالأمر مسألة مبدأ, وأنا أعتقد أن إيقافي عن العمل لم يكن لأسباب مهنية ولكنه انتهاك لحقي في التعبير عن نفسي والمشاركة الفعالة في شئون مجتمعي.
خلال فترة اعتقالي تلقيت إخطارين (كلاهما شفهي) من مكتب وورلي بارسونز كوميكس بالقاهرة: سلم الأول عن طريق المحامى الخاص بي و ينص على أن وظيفتي ستكون في انتظاري إذا أطلق سراحي قبل نهاية شهر مايو.
الأخطار الثاني فاجأني, و قد أتي من أستاذ محمد عبد الجواد مدير مكتب القاهرة و تسلمته عبر المحامى و والدي, فقد طلبت منهم الشركة أن أستقيل حتى لا يضطرون للفصل فهو عير محبذ لسجلي.كانت الاستقالة في انتظار توقيعي.
بعد يومين من أطلاق سراحي رجعت للمكتب( يوم 29 مايو). لقد تم أخباري أنى قد تغيبت عن العمل لمدة شهر, هذا بالرغم من أن المحامي قد أرسل وثائق رسمية تشرح موقف أعتقالى إلى المكتب, وقيل لي أيضا أن نشاطي السياسي غير مقدر من قبل المكتب.
و بعد يومين من زيارتي للمكتب تسلمت ظرف يحتوي على أربع تحذيرات بسبب تغيبي بالإضافة إلى إيقاف تمهيدي عن العمل.ذهبت مرة أخرى إلى المكتب تلبية لطلب أستاذ محمد عبد الجواد و طلبت مستحقاتي المالية و هي راتبي الخاص بشهر أبريل بالإضافة إلى أيام العمل بالخارج الخاصة بنفس الشهر.و قوبل طلبي بالرفض من أستاذ عبد الجواد وطلب من العاملين أن يرشدوني في حين أجمع متعلقاتي الشخصية .
لقد كنت أفكر في أن أتخذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة ضد الشركة. فالأمر مسألة مبدأ, وأنا أعتقد أن إيقافي عن العمل لم يكن لأسباب مهنية ولكنه انتهاك لحقي في التعبير عن نفسي والمشاركة الفعالة في شئون مجتمعي.
الأربعاء، يونيو ١٤، ٢٠٠٦
Support Ahmed Al-Droubi
The Arabist has a wonderful idea concerning supporting Droubi; to forward this e-mail to the WorleyParsons Komex's directors:
Subject: Protesting an unjustified dismissal
To:Mr. Paul Hardisty, the CEO of the company,
Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad,
Cairo office manager,
Mr. Juan Ramon,
Madrid office manager,
And Ms. Marylou Lauria,
Europe Headquarters EIA director.
paul.hardisty@worleyparsons.com, gawadco@hotmail.com, marylou.lauria@worleyparsons.com, Juanramon.miguelez@worleyparsons.com
Dear Sir/Ms.,
I’m writing to protest the unjust dismissal of your Cairo office ecologist, Ahmad Yasser El Droubi, who was detained for 33 days in Tora Prison, for his solidarity with Egypt’s pro-democracy movement.Firing an employee, for his peaceful political activism, goes against all labor rights regulations. To add insult to the injury, El Droubi was not paid for the work he actually completed during the month of April, prior to his detention.Moreover, El Droubi received humiliating treatment from your Cairo office manager, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad, who even instructed office staff to supervise El Droubi’s collection of his own personal items after ridiculing his human rights activities.Due to aforementioned reasons, I demand that El Droubi be paid for work previously completed; in addition to compensating him for the unjust termination of his contract, either through re-instatement or by financial compensation.
المستعرب عنده فكرة بخصوص موضوع أحمد الدروبى أننا نبعت الإيميل ده لمديرين شركة وورلي بارسونز
To:Mr. Paul Hardisty, the CEO of the company,
Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad,
Cairo office manager,
Mr. Juan Ramon,
Madrid office manager,
And Ms. Marylou Lauria,
Europe Headquarters EIA director.
paul.hardisty@worleyparsons.com, gawadco@hotmail.com, marylou.lauria@worleyparsons.com, Juanramon.miguelez@worleyparsons.com
Dear Sir/Ms.,
I’m writing to protest the unjust dismissal of your Cairo office ecologist, Ahmad Yasser El Droubi, who was detained for 33 days in Tora Prison, for his solidarity with Egypt’s pro-democracy movement.Firing an employee, for his peaceful political activism, goes against all labor rights regulations. To add insult to the injury, El Droubi was not paid for the work he actually completed during the month of April, prior to his detention.Moreover, El Droubi received humiliating treatment from your Cairo office manager, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad, who even instructed office staff to supervise El Droubi’s collection of his own personal items after ridiculing his human rights activities.Due to aforementioned reasons, I demand that El Droubi be paid for work previously completed; in addition to compensating him for the unjust termination of his contract, either through re-instatement or by financial compensation.
الثلاثاء، يونيو ١٣، ٢٠٠٦
To whom it may concern, we need help نحتاج مساعدة من يهمه الأمر
Dear bloggers and friends,
i was thinking maybe we can do something for Ahmed ِAl Droubi.i Think we should tell the world that there are still companies that fire their employees because of their political activism,What about a petition that we can forward to the Worley Parsons HQ?i think that Arabist (http://arabist.net) has the same idea. Do anybody know any similar cases as Ahmed Al Droubi's?
i was thinking maybe we can do something for Ahmed ِAl Droubi.i Think we should tell the world that there are still companies that fire their employees because of their political activism,What about a petition that we can forward to the Worley Parsons HQ?i think that Arabist (http://arabist.net) has the same idea. Do anybody know any similar cases as Ahmed Al Droubi's?
يا أيها المدونون ,حلوة دى هه؟ و أصحابى الأعزاء
أيه رأيكم نحاول نعمل حاجة في موضوع فصل دروبى من شغله؟لازم نعرف الناس أن لسة فى شركات بتفصل الموظفين عشان نشاطهم السياسي. ممكن نعمل حملة جمع توقيعات و على بلاطة كدة نجرس الشركة.حد عنده أقترحات؟؟؟عايزة أبداع!!!
شغال .هو كمان فى الموضوع ده . حد عارف أى حالة مشابهه؟يعنى واحد\ة أتفصلوا؟ أو حد طالب\ة أتمنع\ت من الأمتحانات؟
Ahmed El Droubi Fired from his Job
Here is a part of the letter sent by Ahmed to his the manager in England:I have been an employee of WorlyParsons Komex since January of this year. I have served as a field ecologist with the Cairo office. On April 24, I was detained by the Egyptian State Security police, and held for 33 days without appearing before a judge, and obviously without being convicted of any crime. I was arrested during a peaceful solidarity sit- in with Egyptian Judges outside the Judge’s Club in downtown Cairo, calling for the independence of the judicial branch of the state. This sit-in was organized by an Egyptian civil rights movement, known as Kefaya (Arabic for Enough). Kefaya is a movement that campaigns for democracy in Egypt, focusing on issues ranging from corruption, freedom of expression, torture, and free elections.
During the period of my detention I received two statements from the WorlyParsons Komex Cairo office: the first of these was delivered through my lawyer stating that if I was released before the end of May my job would be waiting for me.
The second statement came to me as a surprise; this statement was made by Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad, manager of the Cairo office on two separate occasions: to my lawyer and to my parents. They were told that the company requested my resignation–rather than dismissing me, as that would be more favorable on my record (and as it turns out according to my lawyer, it was to remove all liability from the company). …a resignation (was) awaiting my signature.
Two days after my release I returned to the office on May 29. I was told that my political activities were not looked upon highly by the office, and that the fact that I had not attended a month of work–despite the fact that official government documents explaining my detention were delivered to the office on two separate occasions by my lawyer. My refusal to submit my resignation was perceived as hostile and I was asked to leave the office.
Two days later I received an envelope containing four warnings concerning my absence in addition to a document containing a preliminary termination of employment. I returned to the office at the request of Mr. Abdel Gawad; at this point I requested my salary and the per diems for days traveled, for the month of April. Mr. Abdel Gawad refused to give me my money and asked the office staff to supervise me while collecting my personal items.
I have been considering and have been advised to pursue legal action against the company. It is a matter of principle. My consideration to pursue legal action; is due to my belief that the termination of my employment, was not based on professional reasons, but was rather a violation against my right to express myself, and participate actively in my society’s affairs.
**Arabic translation will be available soon
During the period of my detention I received two statements from the WorlyParsons Komex Cairo office: the first of these was delivered through my lawyer stating that if I was released before the end of May my job would be waiting for me.
The second statement came to me as a surprise; this statement was made by Mr. Mohamed Abdel Gawad, manager of the Cairo office on two separate occasions: to my lawyer and to my parents. They were told that the company requested my resignation–rather than dismissing me, as that would be more favorable on my record (and as it turns out according to my lawyer, it was to remove all liability from the company). …a resignation (was) awaiting my signature.
Two days after my release I returned to the office on May 29. I was told that my political activities were not looked upon highly by the office, and that the fact that I had not attended a month of work–despite the fact that official government documents explaining my detention were delivered to the office on two separate occasions by my lawyer. My refusal to submit my resignation was perceived as hostile and I was asked to leave the office.
Two days later I received an envelope containing four warnings concerning my absence in addition to a document containing a preliminary termination of employment. I returned to the office at the request of Mr. Abdel Gawad; at this point I requested my salary and the per diems for days traveled, for the month of April. Mr. Abdel Gawad refused to give me my money and asked the office staff to supervise me while collecting my personal items.
I have been considering and have been advised to pursue legal action against the company. It is a matter of principle. My consideration to pursue legal action; is due to my belief that the termination of my employment, was not based on professional reasons, but was rather a violation against my right to express myself, and participate actively in my society’s affairs.
**Arabic translation will be available soon
الأحد، يونيو ١١، ٢٠٠٦
Some Advice To Those Who Will Serve Time In Prison
If instead of being hanged by the neck
you're thrown insidefor not giving up hope
in the world,
your country,
your people,
if you do ten or fifteen years
apart from the time you have left,
you won't say,
"Better I had swung from the end of a rope
like a flag"
--You'll put your foot down and live.
It may not be a pleasure exactly,
but it's your solemn duty
to live one more day
to spite the enemy.
Part of you may live alone inside,
like a tone at the bottom of a well.
But the other part
must be so caught up
in the flurry of the world
that you shiver there inside
when outside, at forty days' distance, a leaf moves.
To wait for letters inside,
to sing sad songs,
or to lie awake all night staring at the ceiling
is sweet but dangerous.
Look at your face from shave to shave,
forget your age,
watch out for lice
and for spring nights,
and always remember
to eat every last piece of bread
--also, don't forget to laugh heartily.
And who knows,
the woman you love may stop loving you.
Don't say it's no big thing:
it's like the snapping of a green branch
to the man inside.
To think of roses and gardens inside is bad,
to think of seas and mountains is good.
Read and write without rest,
and I also advise weaving
and making mirrors.
I mean, it's not that you can't pass
ten or fifteen years inside
and more --
you can,
as long as the jewel
on the left side of your chest
doesn't lose it's luster!
May 1949
Trans. by Randy Blasing and Mutlu Konuk (1993)
Nazim Hikmet
الثلاثاء، يونيو ٠٦، ٢٠٠٦
الاثنين، يونيو ٠٥، ٢٠٠٦

